A Simple Path from Alcohol Misery to Alcohol Mastery PDF EBook Seb Grant Quit Alcohol Formula | Page 7
If that number is 7 or higher, now is the right
time. If it’s lower than that, maybe there’s
something more important for you right
now and stopping drinking will become
more important later. If you come up with a
lower number, you might ask yourself what
would need to happen before you would give
stopping drinking a 7 or higher number.
Stopping drinking? Let’s continue.
Think about the problems or concerns in
your life – in your relationships with others,
your view of who you want to be, your health,
maybe your work or your financial situation.
How are these connected with your drinking?
Complete the following:
I should stop drinking because:
If you have second thoughts later on, these will remind you why it’s
important for you to stop drinking.