A Look at Our 2023 Board Report 2023 | Page 32

THAILAND Held a major rising dance event and march led by LGBTQI + communities , highlighting the issues of gender diversity , inclusion , LGBTQI + rights and freedom .
BHUTAN Held major youth rising events in over 10 districts .
BRAZIL Community and LGBTQI + members from Favela Da Paz held a creative dance rising , with music , art and discussions .
USA Held over 50 Rising events across the country with actions ranging from OBR dance events , to panel discussions , Raise the Vibration original artistic works , marches , rallies , youth risings in schools , community dance events , risings in performance art schools , risings led by incarcerated women in Dallas , and artistic risings .
JAMAICA Held a community circle on a farm centering on what freedom through and with love would look like – which included drumming , dancing , chanting , sharing , meditation , spoken word , and honoring of Mother Earth .
NAMIBIA Risings included several artistic events including the creation of an original song and music video called “ Love Us ”, a live music concert with the theme of “ Rising for the Freedom To Love ”, and the creation of short videos of LGBTQI + couples talking about the need to end violence against women , girls and the earth . Their risings were led by Lesbian , Bisexual , Trans and Queer women .