SIERRA LEONE Held a panel discussion , engaging students and lecturers , on the issue of GBV , and in particular the issue of sex for grades amongst women and young girls .
GABON Held a caravan across schools and within communities where the focus was on financial freedom .
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Held several risings including meetings with community women about what freedom means , a conference and rising to reflect conditions of women in DRC , and what needs to be done to free women from male dominance , and a youth rising where secondary school children rose for children ’ s education and against discrimination of girls in families and schools , and where they learned leadership skills .
BOTSWANA Risings included a tutu walk and health session to focus on the freedom for women to wear what they want without getting raped . Risings also included school addresses to discuss with school children how boys need to understand and respect the freedom of girls .
UNITED KINGDOM Communities across key cities in the UK , as well as domestic workers and migrant groups held flash mobs across the country .
KENYA Held a walk to petition the government to push changes in the sexual offence act . Main rising included youth and community members , together with area magistrates , local leaders and police representatives to discuss women ’ s rights .
EUROPEAN WOMEN ’ S LOBBY Held an action at the front of the European Parliament on International Women ’ s Day ( IWD ) to reiterate the importance of the Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence and to be loud and united in the demand to recognize rape as sexual exploitation . Engaged with Members of the European Parliament in a photo and social media action . This message was shared with member countries of EWL and translated into all their languages . EWL also held a “ fireside chat ” with women in decision-making positionsto discuss challenges women still face in 2023 , connecting it to freedom . EWL has 31 countries as part of its membership * 26 EU member states , 3 candidate countries , Iceland and the United Kingdom .