ITALY OBR Italy focused on the issue of hidden violence and harassment in sports and in cinema and theatre . The main rising saw OBR activists come back to their initial OBR space – the Piazza Desa – where they first rose 10 years ago . OBR flash mobs , speeches and creative risings took place in over 40 cities across the country .
CROATIA Main artistic and political rising at the town square included actresses , sports people , bands – with singing , dancing and speeches , women drummers and women on bikes . To commemorate V25 , they held a performance of “ The Vagina Monologues ” performed by women with disabilities with a talk after , and women ’ s music . They also brought the campaign onto public transport , buses and trams , and held risings for the protection and freedom of Mother Earth , and to rise with the women of Iran , Ukraine and Afghanistan . They also finished a 10th year OBR documentary .
POLAND Held a debate in the Polish parliament on changing the definition of rape to include the issue of consent to intimate contact . They have been fighting for this for several years and continue to highlight this in their risings . Local organizers across the country held dance actions to publicize this issue . They also danced “ Break the Chain ” in parliament .
GERMANY Held 154 simultaneous and synchronized risings all across the country all on the same day , February 14th – and all with the shared theme of Rise for Freedom .
GUATEMALA Held their main flash mob at the National Cultural Center , including holding OBR actions and dancing in places where the children of the women prisoners live . OBR events also took place in 8 schools . They also re-staged “ The Vagina Monologues ”.
MEXICO On its 10th year , OBR Mexico honored indigenous artists from the 32 states of Mexico . Ran a pamphlet campaign on what freedom means to them in Mexico , particularly freedom from capitalism – which they brought to the Senate . More than 40 risings took place across the country – dancing to the Spanish version of “ Break the Chain ”. They also held a celebration performance of “ The Vagina Monologues ” at the Lebanese Theater – featuring actresses who have done the play in Mexico for the last 20 years .