A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 43

was real . It isn ’ t and it isn ’ t even close . But for the purposes of this book I ’ ll be using that to demonstrate odds .
Back in 2005 before I knew the real odds I resolved then to find a way to share what I ’ d learnt , to be able to explain what I ’ d worked out how to do . To put it into a language that produced far greater results than any other personal development book had ever done . I resolved to change that statistic for anyone who manifested my teaching into their life .
I left this idea to sit for a while , then in 2006 I attended a seminar in which the speaker said , you are not an expert until you write a book . By this time I had finally figured out I was an expert in property , even though I never intended to be , so I decided to write a book about how to do it . As I wrote the book I put in place a lot of different bits that changed the way the information was being explained . Money For Nothing And Your Property For Free was the right book at the right time so it was an instant success . The book went on to become the UK ’ s best ever selling book on property investment and all this happened whilst we were still just doing our market testing . The book taught stuff in a different way . The results were fantastic , the actual feedback showed an average of £ 50,000 profit per book reader and 12.5 % of my readers had responded . This may not sound like much or much of a difference , but this was 1,250 % better than any other book on personal development . At least I have not heard of another which has achieved anywhere near this . But it didn ’ t stop there , there were a vast number who never emailed me but still come up to me today and tell me that my book changed their lives . And there were also a number of mistakes I made in actually getting people to read it once they bought it which I intend to have solved with this book .
But in the main my little experiment had worked . I had found a method , a style of teaching if you like , which created results for the masses , not for the minority . After that I got swept away by the fact that I was this ‘ property mastermind ’. I didn ’ t get into property because I loved it , I got into it for the money ; I mean I did love it for a while but in truth I love getting things off the ground , which others find hard to do . I love simplifying things and showing people my system . I love making things work which other people can ’ t , and getting to share in the pure joy of watching and hearing about them making it happen . Basically I get real pleasure knowing that I ’ ve helped them . My goal is always to make people £ 1,000 for every £ 1 they spend with me as I know and abide by the Law of Reciprocation … basically I know I can ’ t out-give the Universe , however , I intend to give it a good go !
A Very Brief History Of Me
I trained as an apprentice cabinet maker as I was good with woodwork . My mum knew I was going to go into business later in life , so she wanted me to