A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 42

until that point I had probably only read 5 to 10 books in my entire life. When I discovered personal development books I just couldn’t stop reading. However, when I studied them I thought, wow this is great - with these books anyone can get rich. I then of course noticed that despite these books being everywhere and despite lots of people telling me how good these books were… that people simply weren’t getting rich! There were millions and millions of books, but not millions and millions of millionaires! There were a few but they were the ones who would have made themselves rich anyway. There didn’t seem to be any difference between people who studied personal development, and those that didn’t, getting rich. Sure the people seemed happier, but they weren’t any richer. So this puzzled me. Eventually I realised that the way the books shared their wisdom wasn’t getting through to the vast majority of their readers. Now, my dad was a teacher and I had always thought of that as a poor choice of profession as you weren’t paid enough. However, my dad taught me different ways of learning as he helped me with my homework. He explained that there were always ways to teach it, and a lot of people’s minds worked differently. You just need to teach in ways that the majority can understand, and then the majority will help the minority to get it as well. He didn’t say it, but I assumed that it was daft to just teach the cleverest children and hope that the rest would get it . In 2005 I attended a seminar and heard that just 1% of people retired rich. In other words, people worked their entire life, struggled throughout, rushed around, continuously emailing and phoning and the financial basis of their lives resulted in a 99% failure rate! Now, I got incensed by this statistic, it really did anger me at the time. As how could we have bought into a system that had that failure rate? How could we be living our lives just ‘hoping’ it would work out tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? This statistic wouldn’t leave my mind, and then when I thought about all the people who were reading personal development books, surely this statistic must change. Then I looked around, virtually everywhere I looked it seemed that there was this 99-1 ratio. But why? After all, I had made riches and I knew how easy it was to create. Then when I was researching for this book to prove the 99-1 statistic I found the real truth… That the odds of success were far worse than 99-1, in fact it is 714-1 against you having a net worth of a mere $1 million. We’re not talking cash here, we are talking your home, assets, cash, everything. So this is a fair sum but it’s hardly really rich. But then the odds of you becoming worth $30 million which is an Ultra High Net Worth Individual (rich) are just 75,178-1… So if you’re good with maths then right now you’d be wishing that the 99-1 chance www.ABugFreeMind.com