A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 41

just come into my life . He said not to worry , I ’ d recognise them when they did , as they would have a sign on their heads . Indeed they did and still do !
Well quite a lot happened between 1980 and 2001 but it was in November when the big turning point of my journey happened . We were at lunch when my business mentor turned to me and said , ‘ Look Andy all your ideas are great , they just lack money .’ Something switched in me and I just went , ‘ Oh I ’ d better go and make some money then .’ Now up until that point , I had virtually forgotten what my uncle Dave had said to me . It had come back to me in my late teens because I lost my way in my teenage years as most teenagers do . It showed up occasionally over the years and then it came back to me later that evening . I suddenly realised that I had not achieved the goal that my uncle had set me , which was to become a millionaire . I had forgotten to do it !
So I went away and figured out how to make money , did months of research and then announced what I was going to do to make my fortune in February 2002 , when everyone except my wife laughed at me . I came home from telling everyone at our board meeting in which they had all told me I was wrong and if it was that easy that everyone would be doing it . Alison asked me what I was going to do now . I said , ‘ I don ’ t know , what do you think I should do ?’ She said , ‘ You ’ re right , they ’ re wrong , take everything we ’ ve got and do it .’ My life turned again at that point and I got started . I didn ’ t become a millionaire overnight , it took a little longer , but in approximately 7 months I was a multimillionaire .
The decision I made to just go and create money led me to discover exactly how to create riches in property . However , it actually taught me how to create success ; property was merely the vehicle I chose to do it with . But property and making money were not really what I loved to do . Yes they were great fun and I had fun getting them off the ground , but when they were off the ground I got bored with them and wanted another challenge . As my business mentor Mike said , I should be sealed in a box marked open ONLY if you need to get a business off the ground ! He says I ’ m the best he has ever seen at that and praise from him counts . It wasn ’ t until late last year that I finally figured out what I loved to do , and what I wouldn ’ t ever get bored of doing …
So in 2002 I had learnt the skill of success , however , it wasn ’ t for another three years that I would really see where there was a problem in the ‘ success industry .’ It ’ s a secret problem which the industry doesn ’ t like to talk about . The problem being that most people can ’ t create success , they can ’ t find the right path to get on . I discovered after I was already rich that there were actually self-help books that taught people how to make money … That ’ s right I had never read any of them ; I created millions all by myself , this was through total ignorance and the education system beating me up with boring books . Up