A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 44
have a trade to fall back on when I screwed up (which she obviously knew was
inevitable). Right from the start I was always taught to never enter a room
without knowing where the exits were. People often say don’t have a plan B,
well I’ve always got ready B, C, D, E, F, G, H without any effort. They are
merely alternate routes to follow if this route doesn’t work out so well (I know
there is an abundance of ‘other options’).
I finished my training, and then moved to another company for five
times the money. When I got there I quickly became hated as I systemised that
job, in the end making five times as much as any other worker. It was simple – I
installed a system and applied it. Once I was fed up of being hated there, I went
and learnt to install home improvements. I studied that whilst working for 18
different companies in three years and when I was sacked from the last
company, I was earning three times as much as the next best fitter.
By this time I had all the skills I needed to work for myself, so at the ripe
old age of 23 I thought I was a businessman and went to work for myself… boy
was I in for a shock! I spent 11 years figuring how to get rich whilst building a
business with well over 100 full time employees, and another 30–50 sub-
contractors and part-time staff. I liquidated a business or two along the way in
the school of hard knocks. Finally I got fed up of everyone telling me that 2%
net profit was really good for this industry!!! I thought they were mad, either that
or I was. So I got fed up trying, and getting nowhere, to become rich in that
painful industry. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the whole journey - It is just that I
went into business to make a financial success and that business wasn’t ticking
the box.
So instead I figured out how to make millions from property and sold
out the old business. When we decided we wanted to sell, then as if by magic
within two weeks a major competitor asked if we were interested in selling…
Well not really we said… but you may twist my arm! So we sold out of that
business and we became full time property investors. I had a truly fantastic time
for 7 years; I owned stacks of stuff including loads of Ferraris and Lamborghinis
and had many unbelievable experiences... I became fascinated with doing
business online... Worked on various niche product launches doing multi-million
pound launches, always selling out in seconds not hours… I became fascinated
with learning marketing.... I became fascinated about health and nutrition after
losing over 140 lbs.... I’m also married to my lifelong partner Alison, we have
been together since 1988 and we have two wonderful children David and Sarah.
We live very happily in West Sussex in the UK.
Life was going great and I had developed multiple businesses all around
the property niche.... Then the credit crunch literally stopped play and I was back