ISSUE № 10, JULY 2018 4 Patricia Grannum– The Colour Riot PATRICIA GRANNUM is a creative out-of-the box thinker at heart. She wears many hats: writing, editing, drawing, illustrating, painting (digital & traditional), design- ing/creating indigenous jewelry! Patricia first realized she loved creating as a primary school pupil. Having been born into an uber creative family, it was only natural for her to pursue a creative career since she was always surrounded by creativity and people who are passionate about creating. In her younger years, Patricia watched in admiration as her grandmother created clothing, silk flowers, bookshelves, cabinets, baking etc. But now she is also influenced by a lot of female ‘artrepreneurs’, especially those who have been running their businesses for a long time. “For me, coming up with product ideas is a dance between my ideas and what my instincts/research tell me they’ll like… Sometimes I get it right; sometimes I don’t, but there’s always something new to learn.” Patricia admits that growing a business has its ups and downs, but she has no re- grets about leaving full-time employment. Patricia started Col- our Riot Jewelry in 2013 but still considers herself still learning the ropes of being self- employed and as such still has a part-time job as she has learnt that owning a business can be tumultuous. She does however feels confident about making creative decisions with regard to her business ventures. It should be men- tioned that Patricia also holds a BA in Journalism which helps hone her writing and editing skills which she contin- ues to use. She proudly declares that “I just want to con- tinue to make art that resonates with people. It’s what I love.” Patricia will be reading her creative fiction pieces at the newly re-branded 4 th installment of Music, Arts & Motivation Festival 2018 now in its 3 rd year, carded for Sunday 29th July. Her jewelry and art pieces will also be on sale. To reserve your seats and come listen to and net- work with Patricia and other amazing talents see Flyer. Extracted from an article by Carolyn K. Correia. Carolyn is a com- munications consultant, freelance writer, blogger and motivational speaker. https://www.facebook.com/CarolynCorreiaAuthor