ISSUE № 9, JULY 2018 2 The Beat Plastic Challenge With the European Union setting a target to ban the use of single use plastics by 2019, many compa- nies are themselves trying to start the war on plastics. IKEA as just one example will remove all sin- gle-use plastics from its product range in stores and restaurants by 2020 as part of its new sustainabil- ity plan. Being Plastic aware can allow everyone to play a part even if small. Good examples can include: -Carry your re-usable shopping bag to the grocery. -Carry drinking water in re-usable bottles as opposed to single use plastic -Reduce your purchase of bottled water without reducing water intake. -Stop using plastic straws even in restaurants. -Give up gum. Gum is made of a synthetic rubber. -Purchase products in cardboard instead of plastics which is easier to recycle. -Reduce dependence on single use plastic ware. -Walk with your re-useable cup when purchasing hot beverages. -Pack your meals in re-usable containers as opposed to single use. -Avoid the purchase of food in pointless packaging. -Reduce, Re-use and Recycle and even Refuse Plastic where you can. -Support companies making an effort to reduce the use of single use plastics. With a lot of people now educated on the harmful effects of plastics on the environment and in our oceans the first challenge is to look at the above list and actually make a commitment to tak- ing on a few of the examples in our every day lives. Remember everything you throw away must go somewhere ! Just Do it ! Beatplastic# The Hair Dressing Graduates The Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts recently conducted a number of programmes under its Community Development and Skills Training Program. One such program was the Hairdressing course held at the Pt. Cu- mana Community Centre. The course Tutor Reshma Pesaud undertook the task of teaching the students a wide range of techniques associated with the discipline. This ranged from trimming, blow drying, platting, braiding, dyeing and along with other basic techniques. Her open style of tutoring was very motivating and as such the 24 graduates organized a nice little ceremony to celebrate the success of the pro- gramme. For many of them the course was an opportunity to learn a new skill. For others it is an opportunity to do advanced courses and to also eventually hone in on opening their own hairdressing business.