A BETTER LIFE ! ISSUE 10 | страница 3

1 ISSUE № 10, JULY 2018 If YOU can’t Re-use it...Refuse It ! The global consumption of plastics especially for single use purposes continues to make havoc with our environment. Annually we dispose of enough plastic to circle the Earth multiple times. Beyond the landfills much of this waste ends up in our oceans, where it’s responsible for killing “one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals every year”. In commemoration of World Environment Day 2018, the UWI-Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business (UWI-ALJGSB) in collaboration with The Trinidad & Tobago Solid Waste Management Company Limited (SWMCOL) hosted a “Beat Plastics Pollution Fo- rum & Exhibition” to encourage people to rethink how we use plastic and get the facts and learn how you can beat plastic pollution. One key message shared was “If you can’t Re-use it you should refuse it.” Also in attendance was Robert Le Hunte the current Public Utilities Minister who also promised establish- ment of the Beverage Containers Bill by 2018, a bill long since estab- lished in nearby Barbados. The exhibition also showcased the innovative work of entrepreneurs who are en- gaged in ventures aimed at Beating Plastics http:// worldenvironmentday.global/en/ news-category/beat -plastic-pollution