A selective post emergence herbicide for control of grass and broadleaf weeds in pulses , soybeans and sunflowers . User friendly soluble liquid ( SL ) formulation promotes ease of mixing and application . Quickly transported to the growing points of target weeds . Knockdown and residual control of a diverse range of grass and broad leaf weeds .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Imazamox ( 350g / L ) Group 2
Soybeans , field peas , dry beans , Imidazolinone-tolerant lentils , Imidazolinone-tolerant sunflowers .
FOR CONTROL OF Cleavers , Japanese brome , wild buckwheat
Broadleaf Weeds : Cow cockle , green smartweed , lamb ’ s quarters , redroot pigweed , shepherd ’ s purse , stinkweed , stork ’ s bill , volunteer canola ( non-CLEARFIELD varieties ), wild mustard
Grass Weeds : Barnyard grass , green foxtail ( including Group 1 resistant )*, persian darnel , tame oat , volunteer barley , volunteer canaryseed , volunteer wheat ( non- CLEARFIELD ), wild oat ( including Group 1 resistant )*, yellow foxtail
• Broadleaf Weeds : Cotyledon to 4 leaf stage .
• Grass Weeds : 1 to 4 leaf stage or early tillering .
APPLICATION RATES 23 ml / acre ( 160 ac / case ).
PACKAGING One Case : 3.66L IPCO Radian ( Imazamox ) 2 x 8L IPCO MSO Adjuvant
TANK MIXES Nu-Image ® Herbicide
Grazing / Feeding : Do not graze the treated crops ; Field peas may be fed to livestock 30 days after application . Lentils may be cut for hay 20 days after application . DO NOT graze treated sunflower plants or cut for straw . Preharvest interval ( PHI ): Field peas : 60 days , Dry beans : 75 days , Soybeans : 85 days , Lentils : 60 days , Sunflowers : 70 days . Restricted entry interval ( REI ): 12 hours . Store above 5 ° C in original , lightly closed container . Store in cool , dry , locked , well-ventilated area without floor drain . Keep from freezing
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .
Crop Protection 29