9468_2024_Product_Catalogue_Final | Page 33

A powerful relief at a great price , BROADSIDE ® combines exceptional weed control with the superior crop safety of Refine * SG and MCPA Ester . In addition , it contains Solumax * technology to improve absorption and allow quick , efficient tank cleaning .
Thifensulfuron-methyl 33.35 % Group 2 ; Tribenuron-methyl 16.65 % Group 2 ; MCPA present as 2-ethylhexyl ester 66 g a . e ./ L Group 4
CROPS Spring and winter wheat , durum , barley and oats .
Annual smartweed ( green smartweed , lady ’ s-thumb ), ball mustard , chickweed , common groundsel , corn spurry , cow cockle , dandelion , flixweed , hemp-nettle , kochia , lamb ’ s quarters , narrow-leaf hawk ’ s-beard , redroot pigweed , Russian thistle , shepherd ’ s purse , stinkweed , tartary buckwheat , volunteer canola ( 2- to 4-leaf ; including Clearfield * varieties ), volunteer sunflowers , wild buckwheat and wild mustard .
TANK MIXES Readily tank mixable with a number of wild oat herbicides .
APPLICATION TIMING 3-leaf to flag-leaf stages .
Each split jug or combination of 7.6L jug of MCPA + 486g of Thifensulfuron- Methyl , Tribenuron-methyl treats 40 acres . The split jug contains 4 x 10 acre water soluble packs of Refine SG – 33.75 % thifensulfuron methyl plus 16.65 % tribenuron methyl plus 7.6 L of MCPA Ester 600 . For ground application , add a minimum of 5 gal / ac of water . For aerial application add 2.5 gallons to a maximum 4.5 gal / ac .
PACKAGING Case : 2 X split jug 7.6L + 2X 486g
New Case 2024 : 2 X 7.6L + 2 X 486g ( no longer available in split jug ). Case treats 80 acres
Spray equipment must be calibrated accurately prior to use . All spray equipment must be thoroughly washed out after use and must not be used for spraying horticultural crops . Do not apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants / crops , cropping lands or pastures . Do not contaminate streams , rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers .
30 Crop Protection
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .