Provides post-emergent control of annual grasses in all varieties of spring wheat , hard red wheat , all two and six row varieties of barley ( malting , feed ) and all varieties of triticale , spring rye and winter rye .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Tralkoxydim 400 g / L , Group 1
Spring wheat , winter wheat , durum , barley , rye ( spring and fall ) and triticale .
Wild oats , volunteer tame oats , green and yellow foxtail , barnyard grass and Persian darnel .
• Wild oats , volunteer tame oats : 1 to 6 leaf stage .
• Green and yellow foxtail : 1 to 5 leaf stage .
• Barnyard grass , Persian darnel : 1 to 4 leaf .
APPLICATION RATES Apply at a rate of 0.2 L / ac ( 40 ac / case ).
Surfactant note : MARENGO ® case contains enough adjuvant for 5 g / ac water volume . Additional surfactant must be purchased to accommodate higher water volumes . Always add MARENGO adjuvant , Intake * adjuvant or Turbocharge B adjuvant to the spray solution at a rate of 0.5 L / 100 L of spray mixture ( 0.5 % v / v ).
PACKAGING 8 L + 5 L co-pack
For broad spectrum control of both annual grasses and broadleaf weeds , MARENGO herbicide can be tank mixed with a variety of broadleaf weed herbicides including : Buctril M , Attain XC , Partner , Thumper , Dichlorprop / 2,4-D Ester , 2,4-D Ester , MCPA Ester , Lontrel + MCPA Ester , Curtail M , Prestige XC , Trophy , Starane or OcTTain XL .
Can be tank-mixed with the following insecticides : Decis Flowable or Matador 120EC
Ammonia recommended for mixing compatibility , especially EC formulations .
If spraying water with bicarbonates > 400 PPM , add AMS to the tank first at 1 % v / v .
• Rainfall within one hour will reduce control .
• Do not re-enter treated field for 12 hours .
• Grazing and pre-harvest intervals : Review all labels used in your tank mixture and use the most limiting .
• Do not harvest treated crop within 60 days after application .
Contender Herbicide is a selective , post emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses in many dicot crops ; such as canola , flax , soybeans and pulses . Contender Herbicide must be mixed with IPCO Contender MSO Adjuvant ( included with the case .)
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Quizalofop P-ethyl / Group 1 Herbicide
CROPS Canola , Flax , Soybeans , Peas , Lentils , Chickpeas .
Green foxtail , volunteer barley , volunteer corn , volunteer oats , volunteer wheat , wild oats , barnyard grass , proso millet , yellow foxtail , foxtail barley , downy brome , japanese brome , quackgrass .
APPLICATION TIMING In-crop ( rates vary with crop and stage . Please refer to label ).
Do not apply , drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or plants , or on areas where their roots may extend , or in locations where the chemical may be washed or moved into contact with their roots . Do not use on lawns , walks , driveways , tennis courts , or similar areas . Prevent drift of spray to desirable plants . Apply only when the potential for drift to areas of human habitation or areas of human activity such as houses , cottages , school and recreational areas is minimal . Take into consideration wind speed , wind direction , temperature inversions , application equipment and sprayer settings . Do not contaminate any body of water including irrigation water that may be used on other crops .
PACKAGING 40 acres / case : 8L + 8L
0.5-1.0 % v / v MSO . For other tank mixes please refer to label
28 Crop Protection
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .