Provides reliable control of tough grassy weeds in spring wheat and durum . FOOTHILLS ® NG tank mixes with a wide range of broadleaf herbicides for customized weed control . Exceptionally cropsafe , FOOTHILLS NG comes pre-mixed with surfactant for added convenience .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Clodinafop-propargyl 60 g / L , Group 1
Spring wheat and durum wheat - apply prior to the emergence of the fourth tiller .
FOR CONTROL OF Wild oats , green foxtail , yellow foxtail , barnyard grass , Persian darnel , volunteer oats and volunteer canary seed .
WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE ADDITIONAL REMARKS Wild oats 1 to 6 leaf stage on main stem Prior to emergence of fourth tiller .
Volunteer tame oats 3 to 6 leaf stage on main stem Prior to emergence of fourth tiller .
Green and yellow foxtail ( wild millet , pigeon grass )
Barnyard grass
Persian darnel
1 to 5 leaf stage on main stem
1 to 5 leaf stage on main stem
1 to 5 leaf stage on main stem
For optimum control , apply prior to emergence of the third tiller and while foxtail is actively growing .
For optimum control , apply before tillering and while barnyard grass is actively growing .
For optimum control , apply before tillering and while Persian darnel is actively growing .
Volunteer canary seed 1 to 6 leaf stage on main stem Prior to emergence of fourth tiller .
When tank mixing with a broadleaf herbicide , insecticide or a fungicide , always refer to the label of the broadleaf partner , insecticide partner or fungicide partner prior to use .
APPLICATION RATES 376 ml / ac ( 20 ac / jug )
To control Persian darnel in addition to the other grassy weeds listed above :
474 ml / ac ( 16 ac / jug )
PACKAGING Case : 2 x 7.57 L , Drum : 121 L
Surfactant : Contains a built-in surfactant technology . Do not add SCORE 1 adjuvant , or any other adjuvant to the FOOTHILLS NG herbicide mixture .
Pre-harvest interval : Observe minimum interval to harvest of 60 days after treatment . Do not treat wheat underseeded to forages .
Tank mixes with broadleaf weed herbicides , insecticides and fungicides in wheat and barley , including : Target , Dyvel , Buctril , Estaprop , Turboprop , Dichlorprop-D , Lontrel 360 , Curtail , 2,4-D Amine , MCPA Ester , MCPA Amine , Ally , Attain , Prestige , Thumper , Decis Flowable , TILT 250E and Refine SG .
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .
Crop Protection 27