911@50 Media kit November 2013 | Page 3

2. Digital vs Print format A printed magazine has the obvious advantage of that’s what everybody’s used to. Turning the pages is so enjoyable that even online magazine designers try their best to simulate the feeling. But it also has some obvious disadvantages. The number of pages is limited by the cost of the magazine: 500 pages magazines are expensive mainly due to their production and distribution cost. A digital magazine on the other hand can truly be a global magazine. You can distribute it all over the world in a matter of seconds. The reader can enjoy it from his computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone or e-book reader. He is absolutely free to choose his preferable method of reading, he can even print it. Another great advantage of the online magazine is that it can play videos. The 911 attacks all your senses, be it an old air-cooled one or the latest 991 Carrera S. A printed magazine captures just the image and fails completely to stimulate the hair on the back of your neck by the sound of a 911 engine reverberating back from the walls of a tunnel for instance. Last, but not least is the obvious advantage of the instant connection between the reader and the advertised company. A reader of a printed magazine has to quit reading, get his mobile phone/tablet/laptop, establish an internet connection, type the advertised company’s name and Google it or type the direct link he sees on the page of the magazine in order to get more information or buy something. What he usually does is make a mental reminder to check it later, something he almost never does. All this is so last year. Our digital magazine has direct links to your webpage, so all the reader has to do is point his finger and touch the screen or point his mouse and click. Instant access is the key to successful advertising and that's exactly what we're aiming for.