8 Watches of Prayer The Changing Of The Hours | Page 18

This is the hour that you give honor and devotion to the MOST HIGH for you have arrived at the end of your day. You have made it through the physical challenges of the hours given you and have accomplished the goals set before you.. You mentally have aspired to to a higher level of understanding by applying the written instruction study to show yourself approved and you have observed the land to see what the next move will be. Spiritually you have faced the allowed adversity so you can have a greater experience with your creator and you have not been found wanting..

In this hour you have engaged in the battle , you have felt the fiery darts, you have slain the dragon and are found still standing. You have put the armor to the test and have experienced that the gear provided is sufficient like it is written.

Understand that without a battle you can never experience VICTORY. You must endure a storm to see a rainbow and you must face a disturbance before you can ever embrace harmony.

You will never understand why the birds sing early in the morning, why the trees allow their leaves to blow in the wind and why the eagles soars; if you never take a moment to witness their struggles.. Consider the VICTORY is so much sweeter when the challenge was greater than you thought you could withstand. Know that the VICTORIES of yesterday are over the horizon for you today and for those coming tomorrow.

In this hour we should be thankful and express much gratitude for the written statement this may not be possible thru man but all things are possible thru Jesus Christ. We experience the VICTORY because Christ that live within us has never experienced defeat.

Be reminded of the battles of David, the wars of Joshua , along with the crucifixtion of Jesus was all VICTORIES for the kingdom and even though they went through great strife; look who stands on top. Know in this moment you have drank of the cup and at the end of the day you are experiencing VICTORY because Jesus paved the way from the womb to the grave and the grave to enternal life. Jesus showed you the way the truth as well as the life and sits on the right hand of his Father awaiting your arrival when its time.

So today in this hour raise your hands, stomp your feet , and lift your voice to the MOST HIGH for he is worthy to be praised.


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