In this hour many reflect over their day taking a look at all the things they just so happen to miss or considering the strength they displayed in a situation; when they should of been weak. It is in this hour that you take a deep breath, look at the adversity before you, and repeat the encouraging words of Prophetess D. Crawford-Spears "God is the Almighty God and there is NO Greater God".
For in this hour you face the adversary head on, the opposition on the land flat-footed, and you silence the 2 cent opinion of your mind. In this hour you move forward slowly behind the wall of protection God has provided for you like he did for Elijah when he went against Jezebel false prophets, or like Ahab when he came against the Syrians in the hills as well as in the valley.
Know in this hour God will extend you the protection needed to get what you need done, stand before who you need, and rebuke in Jesus name what is out of order.
In this hour Saul known as Apostle Paul was met by God on the road to Damascus for it is written
And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me.
Acts 22:6
In this hour know not only was Saul struck blind but he was also taking men to be judged as well as sentenced. In this hour Saul could have been killed because his prisoners could of easliy come against him; instead they led him.
In this hour Saul experienced the MOST HIGH in a greater way and was forever changed. In this hour we have to remember no matter what the situation, circumstances, or battle before us we need to Let Go and Let God.
For it was in this very hour Jesus asked his Father had he left him according to Mark 15: 34 and giving up the Ghost in the next hour of Victory.
In this hour be confident that God is right there with you in the thick of the battle and when you call out to him God hears you from the throne where he sits. Know in this hour Victory is just around the corner if you endure to the end and that God in this hour is working it all out; just have faith in him.
For what is faith?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
So be confident in this hour because regardless what you see there is nothing TOO BIG for our ALMIGHTY GOD