8 Watches of Prayer The Changing Of The Hours | Page 19

Isaiah 25:8

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.

Consider the hour that Jesus closed his eyes on the land and gave up the ghost according to John 19:31,33. Knowing that Jesus died as well as was laid in the sepulchre[tomb]during the late part of the parparation according to John 19:42which is a couple of hours before dust and the beginning of the Sabbath.

Please also take reference to Mark 15:25 that staes Jesus was crucified in the third hour meaning around Noon and Mark 15:33 that says around the nineth hour which is about 3:00pm which is the 8 watch that Jesus gave up the ghost.

We understand when Jesus closed his eyes giving up the ghost the prophecy was fulfilled and the VICTORY was won.

Know that Jesus endured an awful journey from the time he was arrested til the time he was actually placed on the cross til the moment he closed his eyes but keep in mind Jesus kept his mind focused on the prize. It could be said greater the struggle even greater is the VICTORY.

In this hour recognize that the adversary can not do anything he is not allowed to and all adversity is allowed so you can experience a greater walk with your Creator. Be reminded that the days of yesterday experienced VICTORY in this hour , as you will today and those that endure the same hour tomorrow.

In this hour even the men of yesterday that had been awaiting the prophecy to be fulfilled experienced VICTORY according to Matthew 27:52-53. The servants that had been held captive by the adversary arose and was seen accending into the sacred place along wih Jesus. In this hour we are to be confident that the VICTORY established on that day we shall continuously partake of because Christ that reside in us has never experienced defeat.

So in this hour we are to be thankful for the physical tools provided to us on the land regardless the personal challenges we endure, the mental knowledge revealed that keeps us encouraged in the mist of the battle when we are weary during the fight, and the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6:11-18 that protects us from the attack of the adversary.

We are to rejoice like David did when he danced out his clothes according to 2Samuel 6:20 and be reminded that the Almighty God we so love is able to do exceeding above anything we are able to do on our own. That at the end of the day according to 1John 5:4 thru faith[confidence] in God we expereince VICTORY and our VICTORY cometh from the Lord[ the ruler of salvation].

So be confident in this hour you shall embrace the VICTORY that Daniel did when he walked out the lions den untouched, that Shadrach, Meshach, along with Abednego did when they walked out the firey furnance without being burned or that Mary Magdalene did when Jesus saved her life from being stoned to death.

In this hour know every attempt of the adversary will be shot down, every evil suggestion to your mind will be exposed, and every unclean thing wandering on the land rebuked. For this is the hour you are labeled a winner, the hour the application of the instruction leads you to the path that God has for you and this is the hour that the signs as well as wonders of Christ manifest on the land.

This is the hour you experience the true meaning of VICTORY and realize that the so called victory man shared with you has nothing on the VICTORY God has shown you in this hour .