8 Watches of Prayer The Changing Of The Hours | Page 14



In this hour you may feel like you have been drug threw the mud, you may feel like you have been left out to die, and you may feel the war has been lost. In this hour is where you begin to question the journey, the assignment as well as the mission and this is the hour that you feel like you can not take another step.

In this hour you have walked a mile finding out you was not physically ready, this is the hour you realize what you have been taught by man has not prepared you for the adversity right before you, and it is in this hour that you raise your voice to the sacred place; asking God where are you.

This is the hour you say the burden is heavy and the yoke is not easy.

Know in this hour we are to be reminded God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, according to Ephesians 3:20 and The Lord is your rock, fortress, as well as your strength according to Psalms 18:2

This is the hour that when you can not stand you lean on the solid foundation only the MOST HIGH can provide, this is the hour that Job cried out to his Creator in distress, this is the hour that Jesus was beaten as well as carried his cross to Calvary.

Consider in this hour even though all things look bleek, the road appears to be dark, and the wilderness a scary place to be. Be encouraged that what you see before you with the assistance of man you would not be able to overcome but with the grace[assistance] God extends to us daily ;all things are possible.

In this hour it is the grace God extended to us yesterday that saves us today and gives us hope for tomorrow. In this hour it is the grace that we have by faith that will give us what we need to swim across any body of water, climb the tallest mountain, and endure the hotest valleys. In this hour we experience why the poem Footprints was written and embrace the strength of Jesus arms.


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