8 Watches of Prayer The Changing Of The Hours | Page 13



In this hour you should raise from your place of rest knowing that everyone did not and what a privilege you have been extended. In this hour is when the walls of Jericho came crumbling down and the shofar horn was blown; announcing the victory.

In this hour is when the rock was found rolled away from the tomb where Jesus was laid after he was crucified and it was in this hour that Mary Magdalene was instructed to go tell the others. To go make the announcement that Jesus had risen from the dead and the prophecy was being fulfilled.

In this hour is when Christ told them to go out, tell the world what they had witnessed, and encouraged them they would do all the things he did on the land; for he was with them.

In this hour do not forget you are a creation of the MOST HIGH and like the rest of the land you should give God your devotion along with your praise; for God is worthy.

In this hour know you made it off the battlefield as well as out of the storm so in this moment you would have an experience to share with another to keep them encouaged to continue to run this race. In this hour the spoken promise of the MOST HIGH continues to elevate you and those that witness the move of the unlimited power of God thru you.

In this hour we are to be like Job when he said He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him. Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears. Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified.

Job 13:16-18

In this hour we are to be confident like Peter when he said For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

2Peter 1:16

In this hour we should be willing to tell the masses about the mercy of the Lord no matter the danger, no matter the circumstances, and no matter how vulnerable it makes you feel. For at the end of the day you would not be standing in the mist of the battle or still above water in the storm; if it was not for the boat as well as paddle provided to you by God.

In this hour just take a minute to take a look at the perfection that can not be dupkicated and show your gratitude by expressing to anyone that will listen how miraculous the MOST HIGH is. In this hour just shout from the mountain tops that there is no other place you rather be but in the loving arms of your Father