It is in this hour your boss is too much to bear, your family has used your last nerve, and the people around you proves to be useless to your journey, In this hour you begin to understand that if you did not have the grace of the MOST HIGH you would not have any help at all and what the world claims to be assistance is nothing more than a temporary fix or a bandaid on an infected wound; good for nothing.
In this hour it feels like you are just laying out lost in the wilderness without hope of rescue and your life just hanging on by a thread. In this hour know that every suggestion of the adversary to your mind that says you can not make it ; is a lie. Every discouraging word shared with you by man is just an opinion and not the truth. Know in this hour God knows what you are going through, God knows the struggles you are facing, as well as the hurdles lined up before you. In this hour God reminds you my yoke is easy, and my burden is light; it is the yoke of man that is hard and the burden of man that is heavy.
In this hour you are reminded to let go and let God. In this hour you are encouraged to know that you can lay your troubles at the feet of Jesus, that by every stripe taken we are already healed, and in this hour you find yourself in right now shall pass becoming a moment of yesterday just as it is promised according to
Isaiah 10:27 saying
And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Know in this hour Christ is your assistance and the Spirit that God removed off the land in Genesis has been restored with you today. In this hour the assistance that Noah received to build the ark, the assistance Abraham embraced to when he became the father of many nations and the assistance Elijah operated under to expose the false prophets of Jezebel; is the same assistance you will receive today.
Be confident the grace extended to Israel when they was inslaved in Egpyt is the same grace in this hour you will use to overcome the adversity you see before you and in this hour you will understand why Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. according to Luke 21:33.
In this hour the assistance you receive will enlarge your seed of faith as well as encourage you to stand boldly on the promises of the MOST HIGH. For in this hour you will discover God already had this moment in mind because unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.