6th Grade Social Studies March 2014 | Page 14

By Tim Hendrickson Imagine yourself on the battlefield of Egypt fighting chaos is around you but you just keep fighting you are the only thing that stands between the enemy and the borders of Egypt you are a soldier. There were two stages of the Egyptian army the conscripts and the soldiers also there were three types of soldiers’ archers’ charioteers and foot soldiers they all belonged to the pharaoh of Egypt he was a warrior to. In this article you will learn what it was like to be a soldier in the Egyptian army. To start, the first stage of the army was conscripts. Conscripts were the first ever soldiers of Egypt they weren’t quite brave and had little training for fighting. (Malam) The conscript soldiers were forced to fight so the pharaoh would not be overthrown or attacked by other civilizations conscripts did not have to do anything unless the enemy go to close natural borders that protected Egypt and few crossed if they did they would be killed by the army. (Malam) Next, soldiers were the second army was soldiers. The soldiers were full time and were much more educated at fighting than the conscripts. (Malam) the soldiers started around 1500 B.C.E and protected the pharaoh much more than the conscripts although the conscripts started to fade some of them were still in the Egyptian army. With the soldiers the Egyptian empire lasted for a long time. (Malam) Tim H. p.4 Also, there were many types of soldiers. One type was foot soldiers they fought with spears axes and curved swords. (Malam) Some other types of soldiers were charioteers and archers the charioteers rode on chariots and fought With bows while the driver steered into battle and rammed the enemy head on. The archers fought with bows and defended from the back while the battle raged on. (Malam)Lastly, the Egyptian army was crucial to every ones survival. In this article you learned what it is like to be a soldier in the Egyptian army. With all the evidence it is clear to imagine the scenario the Egyptian army was in.