6th Grade Social Studies March 2014 | Page 13

least 50% Don’t you wonder of troops best countries in africa died in battle. what strategies and tactics when it came to the Egyptian army used? protection. Ramses 2 if Than you came to the right needed would leave the about the rebels in ancient place. Ramses 2 had a real kingdom until the enemy Egypt. A rebel was only life lion lion run into battle has left. worthy of death so a king by his side. Ancient Egypt was filled with strategies of war which worked quiet well. 50% of most Egyptian life was war. One of the strategies was protection in Egypt. The king had a bodyguard to protect him in battle. “ If Egypt was invaded and the enemy got threw the gait all the soliders would retreat to the kings palace”. Egypt was probably one of the Now we will learn about if a war broke out in Egypt. If invading an enemy fortress Egypt would put ladders on the side of the walls to get into the base. “Egyptians would actually try to start a war so they could conquer a country”. In each battle a king of Egypt would leave a mark if they won the battle. At Now we will learn would hold there hair tightly than smash there skull with a battle mase. “Rebels didn’t own land because they did not want to have guards knocking on there door and kill them”.