By James Menendez
Did you ever wonder what
were the gods and
goddesses and what the
religion was in Ancient
Egypt? The Pharaohs are
the gods that people
prayed to be protected.
The tree topics about the
article are different gods
and goddesses, religion in
Ancient Egypt, and
Amun-ra is the main god
and goddesses are Bastet
of the new kingdom. His
and god of joy and the
name means invisible one.
home and warmth of the
The gods didn’t live in
sun. Aten the god of
heaven they lived in
daylight, warmth and
temples down on Earth.
bringer of life.
Some gods are “Horus the
god of the sun and sky and
eternal life.” Anubis is the
god of embalming and the
keeper of secrets.” The
state gods were
responsible for the kings.
Gods and goddesses
Gods and Goddesses in
Ancient Egypt
Religion in Ancient Egypt
controlled the sun, the
river (Nile), the crops and
There are many gods