2nd magazine. | Page 5


anything in it. In the far back there was a windows and underneath there was a bed and a chest. He also had a large closet with all his uniforms inside. I remember it as if it was yesterday.

As you know decisions were always made in Berghof, decisions that led to the catastrophe of the Second World War and the Holocaust which cost millions of people their lives.

Yes... It's sad. Hitler was crazy. He was so crazy! How could, how could he be allowed to do such a thing? It's a question of which I will never know the answer. He was crazy.

If you could meet 20 years old Elizabeth today one minute before she enters the Berghof, what would you say to her?

I don't have an answer. I don't know what I would say to her.

Maybe would you suggest her to turn around and not take the job at the Berghof?

I was young at the time. You must understand there was a certain pride to it. We were proud of what we were doing, we were admired. We could go anywhere we wanted. Yes, it was beautiful too. But that doesn't mean that I was proud about the other things. I didn't understand it at all at the time.

Well, with that we finish this interview. Thank you so much Elizabeth and good luck in your life!

You're welcome and thank you to have me with you today and to give visibility to my history.

Adolf Hitler with his maids

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