2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 8

Step 1 - Quit Cold Turkey You are addicted to your Ex. A 2010 study by Helen E. Fisher of Rutgers University found that, when someone described themselves as “heartbroken”, they reacted the same as those that recently broke a smoking or drug habit. When they saw pictures of their exes, these men and women’s brains would light up in the reward centers, addiction cravings, feelings of attachment, and control of emotions. There is a very specific part of the brain called the ventral tegmental area - it lights up with activity when someone is motivated to perform a task and when they are subsequently awarded for completing. It’s the carrot and the stick of the human brain and it goes haywire when someone is in love (and when they are heartbroken). Combine that with physical pain and distress centers and the exact same brain regions that light up when someone is SEVERELY addicted to cocaine or cigarettes, and you have a condition that makes it VERY hard to think rationally. So, the only way to make rational, smart decisions about your future is to get him out of your system. To do that, you need to quit cold turkey. If you’ve ever smoked or been addicted to anything else like coffee, sweets or potato chips, you know how hard it can be to just stop. Every part of your being screams to do the opposite - to jump off the wagon and get a fix. To call him and ask how he’s doing or “accidentally” bump into him at his favorite coffee shop. If you’ve ever wondered WHY it’s so hard to ignore those cravings - why your love addiction is SO overpowering, you’re not alone. Scientists have been studying how the mind processes those cravings for decades and only recently are they starting to understand what is happening. We know that addiction is physical, but not always 100%. A big part of the addiction cycle is simply habit. Your mind LOVES habits. They make actions simpler and ensure that you can do things faster - almost on autopilot. Page 8