2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 7

But before we get to that point, you absolutely must know if what you THINK you want is really want you want. Is it NEED or DESIRE? The 6 Step Formula When I was lying on my couch, wondering if I would ever see him again, I started developing what eventually became my six step formula. A handful of observations and insights at first, I refined the plan - sharing it with friends and family over the course of years - into six simple steps that I have used and seen used to rekindle a dead or dying relationship, no matter how long it has been. If the spark still exists - if some part of him wants you and you KNOW you want him - these steps can and often will work. But you need to take them seriously. Nothing here is optional. Some if it will be hard - possibly painful. Some will seem impossible. Do it anyways, because if you don’t - if you let yourself go to pieces, calling him twice a day, avoiding other men and lying on the couch with a bag of potato chips instead of getting out there, you’re forfeiting the future - and what a wonderful future it might be. Page 7