2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 6

I would step back , reset the game clock and try to do this right - by focusing on me . The rest is history .
That was six years ago . Today we ’ re married and have a ridiculously happy relationship . Seriously , my friends roll their eyes even as they look on jealously . This IS a fairy tale and it all could have ended if I hadn ’ t realized where I was going wrong .
Is He Worth It ?
Sure , your immediate reaction is to do everything in your power to get him back . But is he really worth it ? That ’ s the question no woman wants to ask herself .
What if the answer is no ? What if he really doesn ’ t want to be with you ? What if you were just afraid of being alone ?
A recent study by social psychologists at Harvard and Princeton Universities sought to discover what makes people shortsighted .
They put groups of students in two groups - one with plenty of resources and one with limited resources . Each student was given a game to play like Angry Birds of Family Feud and those in the limited time group would quickly use up what few resources they had for the immediate gratification of gameplay instead of saving it for future rewards .
The lesson of this study is that , when resources are scarce , we make decisions that forfeit the future . We can ’ t imagine the future because we have no resources to create one , so we focus on the here and now .
You ’ re doing the same thing with your heart - giving away the future to hold to what you have now , desperately afraid you ’ ll never be able to get it again .
Value is often pegged to scarcity . If you have something , you could care less , but once it ’ s gone ... you freak out doing whatever you can to get it back . Like those students without any time , you cling to the man you love because you don ’ t think you can find another man , and are worried that he will move on soon .
I ’ m not saying to give up .
If you love him and really , TRULY want him back , keep reading . Heck , even if you ’ re unsure all of a sudden , KEEP READING .
Everything in this book will work towards making you stronger and prepared to handle whatever a relationship can throw your way .
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