2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 38

* Show Him Your New Dedication to Self - Don’t just think you’ll spend more time alone, actually do it. Don’t drop everything for him and ditch your friends. Maintain your new hobbies. Go out alone and maintain a life that doesn’t revolve around him. He’ll see it and likely respect it. Don’t pick up where you left off. If you were living together when you broke up and having sex six nights a week, jumping right back into your old routine can not only short circuit a lot of the work you’ve done but make him think that the old you is the new you. Take it slow, at least for a little bit, and make sure he understands that you want it this way. Men are not the sex-crazed beasts we take them to be. He will understand, especially if he truly loves you. His ultimate goal right now is for you to be happy and for this relationship to work. It will feel odd at first, but as you relearn how to date each other and be in a relationship, I guarantee you’ll discover things you never before knew about one another. Page 38