2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 39

Conclusion The feeling of loss when a relationship falls apart cannot be explained. It’s such a raw, painful experience that it’s hard to imagine a time when you’ll be the confident, commanding woman I’ve just described. That’s why it takes time. You can’t fix things overnight. He doesn’t want it and if you really examine your heart and soul, you’ll realize that you don’t want it either. So you need time to separate yourself from the tangle of your old relationship, recognize what you really want and NEED in life and build a persona that doesn’t depend on a man...any man. The result of this work is often very positive. I won’t lie to you. Not everyone reading this will get back together with their Ex. But that’s not always a bad thing. As often as I see couples reunited I see women realizing that they don’t necessarily want to be with their Ex anymore - that they are ready to move and start a NEW life that doesn’t revolve around a love addiction. It’s a painful awakening but a necessary one and the next time those women enter relationships they have the expectations needed to thrive. At some point during the steps listed above, your Ex will contact you. He might want to talk. He might just want sex. He might want to be friends and not pursue a romantic relationship at all. It’s up to you to decide how you will respond to that moment. My hope is that you’ll have spent enough time with yourself, experiencing life, detaching yourself from that need-based lifestyle and building relationships with new people that you are ready to make that decision. Even if you have not, don’t let his approaches change your plans. Treat it as a friend asking you out for coffee and if you’re truly not ready for that moment, tell him. Men understand emotions as well as any of your friends. The difference is in how they describe and perceive them. If you are honest and upfront with him, he will respond in turn. Page 39