2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 37

Starting from Scratch Today is the first day of a NEW relationship. The old one ended. Remember? You and him broke up and went your separate ways. You’ve both come back now, different people and ready to try again. You can’t pretend those first few months or years didn’t happen. You know more about each other than any two people on a first date are likely to know. But at the same time, imagine how much has changed about you, how many things even YOU didn’t realize. Now, would you want him making assumptions and having certain expectations when so many things have changed? Of course not. Don’t do the same thing to him. Don’t assume that this is the exact same man you broke up with a few weeks ago. Give him room to show how he might have changed and to create a new, stronger bond with you. A big mistake I see a lot in this situation is the “subtle understanding”. This isn’t a movie. You and him cannot communicate telepathically or through a glance. It’s not romantic - it’s avoidance and it sets the stage for problems in your new relationship that will mirror the ones from your old relationship. So, one of the first things you need to do is address the elephant in the room. Recognize that there was something there, it ended and you want to start anew. Here are a few rules to make this transition a little easier: * Don’t Argue - Stop arguing and ditch the defensiveness. He will react strongly to either and it won’t help you get things back on track. * Recognize the Past But Don’t Pass Judgment - You can’t ignore what happened before, but don’t hold it against him, bring up past problems or focus on what happened then instead of what happens next. * Time Apart Isn’t Subject to Critique - If you dated men while you were broken up, he too might have dated other women. You wouldn’t hold previous relationships against someone you just met so don’t do it to your ex. * Tell Him Your Goals...But Not Too Soon - Share your goals in life, in love and in this relationship, but don’t do it in those first few dates. Wait a couple weeks and let it come up naturally. Page 37