2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 36

The first contact with an Ex should be a rebirth of your relationship - and a true rebirth starts from the beginning. When you accept that first contact, do it but don’t capitulate to his urges. Make him earn it. Put him through the “first date” treatment. Get to know him again for the first time and, more importantly, help him get to know you. Show Him You’ve Changed This is a big one. I’m sure you have daydreams of sitting down with a cup of coffee and listing off EVERYTHING you’ve been doing since you saw him last. The hobbies you’ve picked up. The shows you’ve attended. The men you’ve been on dates with. It’s not necessary. Men don’t see the world the same as you and I, but they are VERY perceptive when they focus their attention on one thing. When a man looks at you...really looks at you...and sees the changes you’ve made, you are going to leave an impression. He is going to see that you are more confident, that you don’t crave his approval for every word out of your mouth, that you don’t apologize constantly, even when the reason for it is not immediately clear. He’s going to see that you ARE different and that is enough. Listing all the changes you’ve made screams “need for validation”. Hey love, look at all these things I did...what do you think? He’s not going to see the changes. He’s going to see a woman just as desperate as ever for his approval and it will put him on edge. This is hard. Not needing a man’s approval - or anyone’s approval for that matter - is not natural. Human beings crave validation and approval of their actions in one form or another. True confidence, however, is when you KNOW you’ve made the right decision and don’t need that validation. It also happens to be one of the sexiest things in the world to a man. Page 36