2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 27

The 7 Things Never to Say to an Ex You and your ex are in a special place right now. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your breakup, neither of you has likely moved on yet. The pain of a fresh breakup is starting to fade after a month of getting out and having fun, trying new things and spending time alone, but you still want him back and if you are in contact at all, he likely wants you back. The problem is not chasing him down but giving him time and empowering yourself to be a new, desirable person. In the mean time, don’t make any mistakes and say one of these things that will put it all back to square one: 1. Begging - Don’t beg, plead or gravel for his attention. It shows weakness and neediness that ANYONE finds unattractive, man, ex or otherwise. 2. Arguing - Defensiveness and arguing will turn him off faster than a cold shower. Don’t get up in arms when it’s not necessary. 3. Calling Them - Don’t call. Just don’t do it. If he calls you, great, but you need to keep your finger off the phone. If you have to, delete his number. 4. Making Excuses - Don’t make excuses, try to explain away your previous decisions or try to get him to excuse anything you did in the past. 5. Apologizing - Apologizing is fine in small doses. If you did or said something specific that hurt him, apologize for it. Don’t apologize for EVERYTHING or blanket your conversations with regret. 6. Professions of Love - You might love him and he might love you, but repeating it comes off as needy and can derail even a very good conversation. 7. Promising Change - Don’t promise to change, just do it. Take action and show him the new you. It’s a simple list but worth emphasizing because any one of these acts can put him on alert that things haven’t changed nearly as much as you and he thought they did. Do You REALLY Want Him? For most of this book, we’ve focused on ways to douse the need that burns in your heart to have him in your life. That raw, unbridled passion and NEED for him - the addiction to love you felt that made it nearly impossible to even see past a life without him - those are hopefully starting to fade. If not, it may be that you need more time to reflect and contemplate what a life alone truly means. But for those that are starting to feel the changes we have been building towards, it’s time to ask a hard question. Page 27