2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 28

Do you really want him? This man that you have long told yourself you loved more than anything in the world - do you still love him? Did you ever truly love him? I don’t ask this to be cruel. I do it because many times, whether they realize it or not, women cling to their relationships just to be in a relationship. They may not desire the man or the love they have long held so dear nearly as much as they thought they did. Maybe you jumped straight into a relationship after another one ended. Maybe you tried exceptionally hard to get together with him in the first place and can’t admit to yourself that it was a mistake. Maybe you are just addicted to being with someone. You feel the need to be in a relationship - to be defined by that time with a man. It’s all very normal and yet, it’s exceptionally hard to admit when you’ve been doing it. Whether because you are afraid to admit that you never really loved him, embarrassed by what it means for you as a person, or maybe you still cannot imagine a life outside of a relationship - this moment is as tough as any moment you will ever