2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 26

While he makes up his mind, you need to take action to restore your life to what it was. Commit to Alone Time Right here, right now, make a commitment to spend a certain amount of time alone every single day. This is not temporary. Even if your ex comes crawling back tomorrow, I want you to make this a permanent part of your life. Alone time is so important - such an integral part of defining who you are and who you want to be as a person - that every woman reading this should make it a part of their lifestyle. The single most common question I get is “What if I don’t want to spend time alone?” To which I answer, “do it anyways”. It might take time, but you will find that time to be an integral part of your day. The chance to unwind and examine thoughts and emotions from the day, week or month and determine how you will respond to them moving forward - it is a priceless opportunity and one that too few people take advantage of. There is no one way to spend time alone. It can be any of the following: * In the Bath * At a Movie * In a Park * Visit a Museum * Write Something * Ride a Bicycle * Walk a Dog * Go on a Trip * Arts and Crafts * Read a Book * Meditation Ideally, at least part of your alone time will be spent thinking quietly, contemplating the day and anything that might have happened during that day. This alone is not easy. Especially in a day and age when unplugging is nearly impossible, finding a few moments every day to just sit and think is quite hard, but if you do it, you’ll find yourself opening up to new ways and styles of thinking you never knew were there before. Page 26