2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 21

You start to feel good about yourself because you are ensuring you feel physically good. Choose a New Hobby How you spend your time is a direct reflection of how you choose to feel and think about your life. Hobbies are a perfect example. Nine times out of ten, when two people enter a relationship, their hobbies fall by the wayside. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily. Ideally you find new hobbies you can share with a man and others that you can enjoy on your own. You might keep one or two of your long time favorite activities, but not all of them - there just isn’t time. Now that you have some time to yourself, rediscover those things that always made you happy when you were alone. The activities and hobbies that you gave up when you started dating or things that you never had an opportunity to try but that you want to try now. * Cycling * Running * Swimming * Board Gaming * Knitting * Traveling * Writing * Photography * Painting Remember, you have all this time now that can be spent on YOU, making you feel better about yourself and installing in your mind a sense of purpose that maybe you didn’t feel before. When you make time for yourself, you create memories and personal connections that are not tied to him. And when you stop defining yourself by a man, you stop NEEDING that man. A healthy relationship does not revolve around need. You cannot need a man and have a healthy relationship with him. It needs to be grounded in desire and mutual trust and love. By empowering yourself to live a life independent of him and pick up new hobbies and generate new memories and experiences, that’s exactly what you are doing. You are creating a person that does not NEED anyone. Page 21