2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 22

Re-becoming the Person He Loved Have you ever wondered what men REALLY want out of a relationship? What he is secretly hoping you’ll do or say? Join the club. Every man is different so there are no universal secrets you can unlock when it comes to figuring out what he wants. What you CAN do is decide to rediscover the things that made him fall in love with in you in the first place. And for that we can turn to some of the most common answers men g ive when asked “what do REALLY want from a woman”: * Flirting - Men love playful banter and flirting. It’s a big red sign that says “I am interested in you” and even when you have been in a relationship for months or years, he still likes to see that sign come out. Imagine what flares up in his head when he sees you do this with other men... * Respect - Men want to be respected. That shouldn’t be read as “stroke his ego” or “capitulate to his needs”. It’s more about listening to his opinions, avoiding arguments over trivial issues and supporting him whether you agree with what he has done or is thinking or not. * Inside Information - Men love to feel as if they are deeply connected with you. It may not seem that way when you try to have a deep conversation, but when the inkwell starts to run dry in a relationship and you talk less about what you are feeling and thinking, he has the same reaction as you would. Keep him involved and privy to your personal feelings and what you’ve been up to. * Laughter - Laughing at a man’s jokes when they are not funny is a cliche but it’s effective. Men want to be funny. They want to feel funny. They want YOU to think they are funny. It, like anything else, can go to certain extremes, but it costs you nothing to laugh at a joke, even if it’s dry as dirt. * Femininity - There’s a line here. Men are attracted to femininity just like you are likely attracted to at least some degree of masculinity. It doesn’t mean you need to wear a dress, put makeup on and giggle uncontrollably while you roll out pie crust. Femininity is not the same as 50’s stereotypes of what a woman should be. Femininity is confidence in yourself, your appearance and the effect you have on men. It is sexiness, but your own brand of sexiness, not what Hollywood has told you that means. Men find a confident, self-assured woman not afraid to be herself with him or in public very sexy. * Languages of Love - It all comes back to the five languages of love, as described by Gary Chapman in his best-selling book. This guy has it right. Everyone thinks about and interacts with the feeling of love differently. Take the quiz on his website here: Page 22