2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 20

The simple act of taking care of your body is so profound that it can have an immensely positive impact on how you perceive yourself after a breakup. Plus, I guarantee he’s going to notice. Sit down today and make a commitment to yourself. Take part of the time that you would have spent with him every day and spend it with yourself. Go to the gym. Go running. Get a bicycle and go for rides. Better yet do these things with your friends - create strong connections with the people you may not have seen much in recent years and use it to feel stronger about yourself. Exercise is a powerful restorative. It has an immediate positive impact on your mind and body and the resulting self- esteem boost it can give you is intense. Combine that with a few key changes to your lifestyle - removing junk food and alcohol for example - and you can quite literally transform your body in just a few short weeks. Here’s a story I received from a reader just a few weeks ago: We broke up the last day of March. I remember because we were arguing over money again and he decided he’d rather pay his own bills, so he ended things. I was pretty upset for a week or so but then a friend suggested I join her at the gym on the weekend. It was incredible. I’ve always been in decent shape but not necessarily GOOD shape. So, I started going three times a week. I got so into it and the people I met there that I stopped obsessing over emails and calls and started focusing on myself. Within four weeks I had lost 8 pounds and was feeling amazing about myself. Better yet, he was starting to call me again. The addiction snapping nature of a breakup causes huge surges of cortisol, epinephrine and other hormones to course through your body. These can result in everything from an upset stomach to sore muscles and headaches. Exercise is the cure all for stress hormones, triggering all the good stuff to wash it away. The endorphins released by regular exercise will relax those muscles, ease your stomach and help you feel better and get over your anguish. At the same time, taking care of yourself tells your mind (and body) that you have value. The act of getting in the shower, fixing your hair, buying a new outfit for a night out with your friends, going to the gym and eating food that is GOOD for your body - these things have a positive impact on your mind as well as your body. Page 20