2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 17

If you don’t feel at least a little happier (heck, maybe even just from the goofiness of the exercise), I don’t believe you ;) There are quite a few other ways you can use this principle in your life. Using your left hand instead of your right to eat can help you lose weight. Taking a bath can cleanse bad memories. Dressing as if you are successful can make you more successful. I strongly encourage you to pick up Wiseman’s book - it’s an eye opening read. But for now, I want you to focus on the idea of acting as if a thing is true. Now, I’m not saying you should repress your emotions or ignore the fact that, just a few days ago, you broke up with someone you love. What I am saying is that, if you act AS IF you are happy for your Ex, you will become happy for them. You know this to be true because the inverse is true. If you sit there and brood about the whole thing, getting angry whenever you see him, cutting his head out of pictures, cursing anyone he dates and angrily eyeballing his friends (or yours if they still talk to him), it won’t take long before that animosity makes it nearly impossible to be in the same room with a man. For many women, this it the only way to grieve a failed relationship. I’m telling you right now that there is another way - a way that will generate happiness in you and create a stronger bond with your ex. One that will make it possible (or even likely) for you to get him back. Be happy for him - and if you can’t, pretend you are and you’ll be surprised how quickly it becomes truth. Overcoming the Argue-Reflex I have one more quick tip before we move to the next step. This is a BIG one because it is one of those fundamental changes that can make you into a new person and overcome dozens of smaller problems in your relationship(s). Everyone does this so don’t be embarrassed and certainly don’t feel like you’ve done anything wrong. Again, remember to think positively. This is a POSITIVE change you can make right now that will have lasting repercussions. Stop arguing. The instant reflex of any woman (or man) in a relationship is to defend themselves Page 17