2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 18

against accusations, frustrations or pointed fingers. It’s natural and in some cases necessary. You can’t just roll over whenever someone tries to belittle you. But the defensive reflex of most people in relationships quickly turns into an instant reflex to argue over anything. When this happens, men become afraid to talk. They worry that, whatever they say, whether it’s constructive or inquisitive, it will be turned around on them in an argument, or worse, that you’ll hold on to it for weeks, months or years and turn it on them later. This can’t change over night. If you’ve always been a strong arguer and defensive about your thoughts and beliefs, the men you know will expect it and avoid triggering that reflex whenever possible. But you can show them that you’ve changed by avoiding the urge to argue over small things. Don’t argue over the breakup. Just accept it and wish him happiness. Don’t argue over whose fault it is. Just find your own happiness and move on to try new things. Don’t argue over who said what and when. Just accept that there is a new paradigm and you are eager to make it work. For now, you should be avoiding your ex, allowing the dust to settle and yourself to grow into an independent woman with her own desires and needs. But as you practice accepting the opinions of others, asking for honest feedback and trying NOT to argue constantly, you’ll feel yourself changing and trust me, he will notice. Page 18