2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 16

If you do these things , you will have more fun in life and it will have an immensely positive impact on how you see the things around you and , more importantly , how other people see you .
Be HAPPY for Him
Can you be happy for him ?
Can you honestly say to yourself right now that you are happy if he is happy and that you won ’ t hold it against him if he never again wants to see you or he starts dating someone else ?
Not a lot of women can , but it ’ s an important part of the healing process and one of the most profoundly effective ways to find your own happiness .
In the late 19th century a philosopher and psychologist names William James said “ If you want a quality , act as if you already have it .”
This came to be known as the “ As If Principle ” and has been studied at length by scientists throughout the last century . In his recent book The As If Principle : The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life Richard Wiseman collects these studies and stories and shows how the body has an impeccable ability to preset your emotions .
The idea is simple .
If you act “ as if ” you feel a certain way , you will begin to feel that way . It ’ s not a magic tonic and it won ’ t immediately wash away the hurt of a broken heart , but it does have a profound effect if used in the right instances and , more importantly , if you apply the basic principles to other aspects of your life .
One of the simplest exercises ( and I guarantee this works ) is to smile .
The human mind is hardwired to respond to a smile . It ’ s just that , 99 % of the time , a smile is subconscious . You smile because something amuses or entertains you . But we can hack that system a bit and , by smiling , even when we don ’ t feel happy , elicit a positive response from the mind .
The next time you are feeling particularly blue , stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling for 5 minutes .
Pull the muscles at the edges of your mouth up towards your ears slowly and hold it for 20 seconds then release . Do this 5-10 times until 5 minutes have passed .
Now , how do you feel ?
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