2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 14

Now, on the left are Zach and Erin and the situation is very different. Erin is visibly miserable, Zach looks frustrated and he periodically tries to cheer her up, telling little jokes and trying to get a smile. It’s almost sad how ineffective his efforts are. But, when you stop and think about it - really think about it - which of those two women were you most like in your relationship? Were you always relaxed and happy, cheerful because you enjoyed life and were excited to see what today brought? Or were you frequently annoyed or bored or even miserable when out doing something new? Were you actively against trying new things and did you ignore your partner’s attempts to make things better? Let’s ignore what exactly precipitated these situations. Sure, maybe Zach was being a jerk 10 minutes ago or was getting a little too friendly with another woman. Maybe Anna and Tom just met and are in that happy-go-lucky giggle phase. That’s not the point. The point is that, when you see either couple, you can immediately dissect and understand their relationships and their current moods. You wouldn’t want to be caught within a 10 foot bubble of Zach and Erin right now, but you’d gladly stumble into a conversation with Anna and Tom. The same is true of you. Whether talking to your ex over coffee or out with friends, the smile on your face becomes an irresistible magnet to everyone around you, ESPECIALLY men. They see it and immediately want to know you. Who is this happy, attractive, alluring woman and why am I not talking to her right now? When you frown a lot and are less than impressed with the world around you, things are different. Men avoid you (unless they go for that kind of thing) and your ex is continuously reminded of just how hard it was to have a conversation with you. I don’t know your situation, but what I do know is that, whatever happens, whether he was a jerk or you simply weren’t amused by some of his hobbies, the mere act of FUN can have an immensely positive impact on his impression of you. But even more importantly, it will teach you how to enjoy life again and see the positive side of things. The Negativity Trap Page 14