In the year 2050 we still use fossil fuels. But these have become the most expensive type of fuel. We will mostly use
hydrogen fuel for cars, boats and planes. We will use solar energy a lot too. This is because we have improved to
collect and convert as efficient as possible. We got rid of fossil fuels, due to the enhanced
greenhouse effect, which enhanced too much. Scientist from all over the world worked together
to find a solution. They have invented a machine, which converts CO2 to O2 and C. They use the
carbon to produce a though material, which is called carbonide, which is used for cars and even
houses. In the houses we use geothermal energy and
solar energy. They use nuclear energy too. They only
use alpha radiation, and collect all the helium to use
for even more energy. They use everything usefully,
and do not waste any resources. And the last energy
source they use is Ventisynthesis. In this process they puss air through a
van which start spinning and generate blue energy.
In the future, the transport will be way different. Not only will it be cleaner, but also more
advanced. Elon Musk for example said he wants a row of trucks to drive behind each
other, with only one human person, which is the driver and is sitting on the first truck. He
will be the one that leads all the trucks behind him. Also the TU delft is working on a vacuum
tube, which will transport us to the places we want to go super fast. There is no vacuum in
the tube which makes it go so fast. Also we would have more clean transport. More electric cars and self driving cars.
Maybe cars will even drive on water .
Of all the planets of the solar system, Mars was the first planet after Earth to be determined with certainty that it
had a solid surface and its physical properties were accurately determined. In the mid-nineteenth century
astronomers knew that Mars had certain similarities with the Earth. They knew that a day on Mars lasts almost as
long as a day on Earth, and they also knew that the angle of inclination of the shaft is about the same as the position
on Earth. This means that there are also seasons on Mars, although they take almost twice as long as on Earth as a
result of a much longer year. These facts gave the impetus to the idea of Mars as "Earth on a smaller scale". It was
therefore said that life should be possible, and that we should ever obtain evidence of that fact.
We think that in 2050 scientists are way further in their research about the planet mars and maybe life on mars
already exists .
This game is called Astroball. This game is played with two teams of five people against each other. You play it in a
stadium. If you want to score you have to throw the flying, mini robot ball in the rings. There are three rings on the
two sides of the squared field. The score telling is the same as tennis nowadays. 15, 30, 45, game. The team who has
10 points as first wins. The team has four people in the field flying on there airboard. The airboard looks like a
snowboard, but it floats. One person is standing in front of the three rings. This is the keeper. The airboard can be in
the air for only 15 minutes. It runs on solar energy, so the players have to swop so the airboards can get energy
In 2050, the whole gaming system has changed, creating a new gaming experience. The device will look like 2 tiny
flat ovals. The sensors are put on your temples. When they are turned on, millions of pixels are projected in half a
circle in front of you. Because the sensors are at the side of your eyes, you can just walk around and the screen will
travel with you. This type of gaming is not only for solo, but multiplayer is also an option. 1 sensor has a microphone
pointed at your mouth, while the other one is reaching for your ear with a microphone. This will provide the best
multiplayer communication. Within a game, it is easy to interact, due to electronic gloves. The gloves will give you