The two main goals that will be achieved by machines are : driving cars and other means of transportation like buses , trains and airplanes . This means that chauffeurs that normally would drive or fly the vehicle will not be needed anymore . The other essential is the production of different products . This includes the production of food , cars , buildings etc . A lot of jobs are the same as they were in the previous years . Some jobs cannot be replaced by machines . So they stay the same as they were in the past . But with some work it is better if they are performed by humans and not by a brainless machine . This for example includes teachers , psychiatrist , psychologist , police and more . With some kinds of jobs it is very important to have enough interaction with other people around you . For instance a teacher , it is important that you can ask questions very easily . This would not be possible if it was online . The other reason is that a machine cannot feel emotions , so with those jobs is this very important , it is not possible to use a machine for this . With jobs in the healthcare it is very important to be done by people . As mentioned before there is a wage that unemployed people will get . The wage you will receive will is around seventy percent of what the person was earning before . This is with condition that they will perform volunteering work half of the time they worked earlier . With this new rule the people are no longer obligated to apply for jobs like they were in the past , instead they have to do volunteering work . They are free to choose what kind of volunteering work they want to do . This way they still can enjoy their work . And they will be very helpful for the society and the economy of their country . The wage that is paid to unemployed people by the government will be financed from the money that the government earns with the machines and tax that the working population pays to the government . The tax is not very high , this means that the people are left with more than enough money for themselves . This way the employed people can live their life to the fullest and not worry about money . The economy will be very well . There is almost no poverty in the world . This is mainly because of the wage that the government gives to people . People that refuse to do the volunteers work still get a small wage , this results that everyone will have a wage . Unfortunately it is not possible to make sure that everyone is in a very good situation economically , this is something that still needs a solution , but it will get better and better every year .
Health :
Diseases . The threat of epidemics and pandemics are increasing quite a bit . Population growth is one of the causes of this . With mega cities nearly tripling over the last year and no signs of decreasing . In 2050 approximately 66 % of the world populating will live in urban areas . This causes the spreading of a disease to be much easier . Climate change also plays a role in this . In 2050 , climate change will probably have caused more than 250000 deaths , causes will be heat stress , malnourishment , and of course the spread diseases . This is because carriers like mosquitoes will be able to live in more areas , so the chance of outbreak is higher . Global travel also make of diseases easier . More travel , transport and trade means higher chances of carriers moving to other places . Also , since people are moving to the cities . So doctors are going to move to places with high income , o the rural and areas with the highest chance of outbreak are actually the least protected .
But then again . Our knowledge of diseases and the production of cures is also increasing , this means that a lot of small diseases will cease to exist and big ones will be less effective . Bio and nano tech will probably also be a thing . Nanodiseases will be a stretch but hospitals will be much better and more efficient .