2050 gazetka- w robocie | Page 47

Politics in the future What will change? In 2050 Trump will be dead, he got punished by the government which resulted in his death. The reason that he got punished is because of nuclear attacks on North Korea in 2034. The American army got orders to attack North Korea. In 2017 North Korea threatened the United States, a lot of inhabitants were ready for war in 2020, but between the two countries, nothing was happening lately. This was not a strong reason to attack North Korea and therefore argues were gone. However Trump still wanted revenge, so in the night of 3 th and 4 th of March 2034 he ordered his army to attack Pyongyang. That night 7 million people died and war was officially declared. The NATO was furiously angry, as well as the majority of the American population. On the 17 th of May, Trump was gassed in a chamber in Area 51, Nevada. This was the cause of a truce between The USA and North Korea. The tensions have disappeared and the world is in peace, except the Middle East. There was a war lasting from 2038 until 2047. Most of the people in Saudi-Arabia and the Israelian are dead. The USA and its new president Cory Booker has sent 3.000.000 American soldiers to the Middle east in 2045 to regain peace. Finally, in 2047 the premier of Israel has been murdered and the new leader signed a treaty pact. The treaty pact contained a number of rules; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The whole world stops building nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs and all of the bombs are destroyed North Korea gets a new leader and a new democracy The USA needs to have a professional army of 1.000.000 soldiers The UN has to make new laws and rules to stop warfare on great scale. Kim Jong Un has to be imprisoned and a new royal family has to be elected. In the future, the population will grow significantly, but the food does not increase as much. There is a shortage and the food we have should be distributed fairly. A law has been introduced saying that all the food produced by farmers and companies has to go to the government. They will eventually distribute it evenly. If you build your own vegetable garden, you can keep the food. Most people with a garden will grow their own crops. This causes unemployment of farmers and food-producing companies. Another problem is how to divide the land. When there is an increase in population, the land needs to increase. That will be a problem if the land is all used up. One of the many solutions is distribution of the unused land and another is to ‘build’ land. There are specialized ships getting sand of the bottom of the sea and placing it next to land. If you do that often enough, there is more land and enough to live on. These machines can be paid through taxes. In the future, a lot will change in the world and politics have a very important role in that. To help the change, laws and rules could keep it in control and stop the world from going crazy. Kind of jobs, labour and economy In the future everything will be different than they are now. For instance, that it goes automatically with the help of machines. Therefore less people will be needed for the jobs because they are taken over by the machines. People that lost their jobs due to this, or are simply unemployed, will still receive a wage from the government. Meaning that the standard and quality of life will not go down. Another thing is that the people that lost their jobs can find a new job maintaining the machines. This means that some jobs will be replaced, unfortunately this is not possible for everyone and every job.