2024 KeHE Goodness Report | Page 27

Exclusive Brands
KeHE ’ s Exclusive Brands team works with manufacturers around the world to find , produce , and bring to market hundreds of products no one else can offer . These brands — CADIA ® and MADE • WITH ® — help our retail partners differentiate themselves , drive destination trips , and capture more market share .
In FY24 we introduced 75 new SKUs into our Exclusive Brands portfolio .
CADIA helps independent retailers compete in a market that is more price-conscious than ever . This year , we struck a ground-breaking deal with INFRA ( Independent Natural Food Retailers ) to feature more than 100 CADIA products in an Everyday Deals program .
MADE • WITH introduced its first portfolio of fresh products this year with a line of cheeses and charcuterie board accoutrements launched in time for the holidays . The line includes Parmigiano Reggiano , creamy gouda , and balsamic glaze , in addition to exciting new flavors like chipotle honey goat cheese and berry habanero spread .
Fun fact : If our Exclusive Brands products were from an external supplier , that supplier would have been our third largest in FY24 !
Convenience Small Format Superstars
In FY24 , we launched our Small Format Superstars program to better support retailer partners such as traditional convenience stores and gas stations , airports , breakrooms , bookstores , coffee shops , and home delivery .
KeHE wants to be the Convenience go-to for betterfor-you products . Natural & Specialty sales grew 9 % in Convenience this past year , with more on-the-go consumers looking for healthier options at their favorite stops . We expect this footprint to continue to grow .

9 % growth in Convenience , Natural and Specialty sales this past year

75 new SKUs introduced into our Exclusive Brands portfolio in FY24