2023 Language Access Compliance Summary Report | Page 34

Language Access Network

S P O T L I G H T : L A N G U A G E A C C E S S C O M M U N I T Y G R A N T S

Language Access Network

The Language Access Network of San Francisco ( LANSF ) is a coalition of seven community-based organizations , funded by OCEIA since 2012 to provide community education on language access and feedback to City departments on best practices in serving LEP communities .
LANSF assesses community access needs through conducting spot checks , collecting narratives , and identifying and sharing best practices . LANSF also supports City departments by participating in Language Access Advisory Committees , meeting with City departments to discuss language access needs and practices , and helping to address emergency language access situations .
Beyond the network ’ s community-facing work , LANSF is also available as a resource and thought partner to City agencies that are seeking to improve the accessibility of their programs and services . 10
LANSF consists of the following organizations :
Chinese for Affirmative Action ( CAA ) - lead and fiscal agent
African Advocacy Network ( AAN )
Arab Resource and Organizing Center ( AROC )
Central American Resource Center of San Francisco ( CARECEN SF )
Filipino Community Center ( FCC ) Mujeres Unidas y Activas ( MUA )
People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights ( PODER )
10Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs , “ Language Access Basics for Liaisons ,” presented on August 3-4 , 2022 .