S P O T L I G H T : L A N G U A G E A C C E S S C O M M U N I T Y G R A N T S
Language Access Community Grantee Activities
During Fiscal Year ( FY ) 2021-2022 , the language access community grantees educated a total of 12,723 individuals about their language rights . They distributed more than 7,900 educational written materials and organized a total of 67 events and workshops about language access . Grantees received 112 language access-related complaints about City departments for inadequate language services . In addition to their funded outreach programs , many organizations also addressed unmet LEP community needs by providing interpretation while helping people navigate services and programs . The grantees completed approximately 1,106 hours of interpretation to help community members access City services and an additional 364 interpretation hours to assist them with other needs , resulting in 1,470 total interpretation hours .
The FY 2021-2022 language access community grantees included :
Asociación Mayab
Asociación Mayab was founded in 2004 by a group of Maya immigrants concerned about the loss of the language and values of their ancient culture and by the lack of culturally and linguistically appropriate services for the estimated 30,000 Maya immigrants living in the San Francisco Bay Area .
The organization focuses its work on three areas : 1 . social and emergency support , 2 . community advocacy , and 3 . cultural preservation , which includes language , dance , and embroidery classes . 9