S P O T L I G H T : L A N G U A G E A C C E S S C O M M U N I T Y G R A N T S
Language Access Network
Department Spot Checks
LANSF continued conducting spot checks during FY 2021-2022 , which informs OCEIA about the current state of language access compliance in San Francisco . Through spot checks , advocates from LANSF communitybased organizations navigate Department offices and information systems to evaluate the language accessibility of City programs , services , and information .
From July 1 , 2021 to June 30 , 2022 , LANSF conducted 116 spot checks . Of these , 10 were completed in person , 105 were conducted telephonically , and one was completed online . When asked to rate the overall quality of language services received , approximately 67 % of respondents rated their interactions with City departments as Fair / Neutral , Positive , or Very Positive and 33 % of respondents gave Negative or Very Negative ratings . When rating the customer service provided during interactions , 72 % of respondents scored City departments as Fair / Neutral , Positive , or Very Positive and 28 % gave a rating of Negative or Very Negative .
The checks were spread across more than 25 City departments and were conducted for the three threshold languages ( Chinese , Spanish , and Filipino ), Arabic and Tigrinya .